


What makes your poster standout? One of the reasons i think my poster stands out is the layout of my poster as the location of the text and information is, instead of usually being central, towards the left side of the poster which then  gives space for the design of the characters and so splits the focus more evenly between text and characters being shown.

Who would you say is the target audience for the film (consider: age range, gender, interests)? The target audience for the film would mainly be teenagers to young adults (16-25yrs) as horror genre movies tend to be most popular with that age grouping due to the adrenaline/ thrilling element thats most common in horror. The film, however, does not have any specific targeted gender.

If you had an extra week or bigger budget what would you do differently? I would retake some of the photos as some came out blurry and not in focus but we didnt have enough time to retake them

What changes to your workflow could you make in future projects to improve your outcome? Changes I would make to my workflow would include putting more time into the planning process for the design of my poster- or other future projects, and maybe do some practice runs before jumping straight into editing on photoshop

How did you improve your Photoshop skills? In regards to Photoshop skills, I became much more confident with the more basic tools such as the quick selection tool and also using the brush tool with a low opacity to build up highlights and shadows on my poster.

What research did you do to aid your creation of a film poster (this could include looking at other examples, researching fonts, lighting styles, effects etc)? My research included: understanding colour theory and the colour wheel to see which colours go well together, looking into how different fonts could add to a film poster and how some can improve/worsen your poster depending if the fit in with the style of your poster, I also researched different types of poster designs themselves and the layout behind them-some being more focused on the more artistic side of graphic design with animations and some which are more real life and still.

What research methods did you use (google, talking to others, teacher advice, YouTube etc)?Research methods i used were mainly google and YouTube however with ideas that i had i would talk to others with them to get their opinions and advice on how to progress with those ideas

Which of these methods was the most useful? Google was most helpful with creating my ideas however putting them into practice especially with photoshop was most helpful with youtube where i could watch mini tutorials on how to use the tools on photoshop to produce a greater quality product

How successful were you at evidencing your progression and work as you went along? I think I managed to record each step well as I completed my work, there were a few time where I would go back and alter what I had written, for example in case I had changed an idea I would go back and explain on my blog page that I had changed an idea and why, whether it be due to equipment usage, time, skill level etc.
